· 9 min read

Most Productive Way To Test. Another introduction published on Dzone

Smart BDD is the most productive way to implement Behavior Driven Development. With traditional frameworks, you write the static feature files first, then implement the code.

Smart BDD is the most productive way to implement Behavior Driven Development. With traditional frameworks, you write the static feature files first, then implement the code.

Smart BDD is the most productive way to implement Behavior Driven Development. With traditional frameworks, you write the static feature files first, then implement the code.

With Smart BDD, you write the code first using best practices, and this generates the following:

Interactive HTML feature files that serve as documentation

  • Diagrams to better document the product
  • The intention of this framework is ultimately to facilitate productivity first and foremost!

As a starting point, I’ll show how easy it would be to upgrade existing tests to use Smart BDD.

Framework integration tests such as Spring integration tests are awesome and useful, generating human-readable documentation with diagrams from them would take it to the next level!

Ever wanted to read the nonexistent document or maybe view diagrams of downstream calls?

Here’s a non-invasive framework that will enrich and improve your tests whilst promoting best practices.

Example of Documentation Generated by Code

This is a simple REST service that fetches a book.

GetBook Example Image

Please note, Smart BDD is a Code First testing productively framework, not just for Spring, however, this article focuses on one use case and the benefits.

Let’s say your existing Spring integration test looks like this:

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class BookControllerIT {

  // skipped setup...
  public void getBookBy13DigitIsbn_returnsTheCorrectBook() {

  public void whenGetBookByIsbnIsCalledWith(String isbn) {
    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    response = template.getForEntity("/book/" + isbn, String.class, headers);

  // skipped helper classes...

This is good enough to test your bookstore application; however, we can take it to the next level.

Generating documentation from code and enriching your tests is very easy:

  1. Taking existing code, just add @ExtendWith(SmartReport.class) to use Smart BDD.
  2. To further benefit from a Diagram, see the example below:

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class BookControllerIT {

  // skipped setup...
  public void doc() {
    featureNotes("Working progress for example of usage Smart BDD");

  void setupUml() {

  public void getBookBy13DigitIsbn_returnsTheCorrectBook() {

  public void whenGetBookByIsbnIsCalledWith(String isbn) {
    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();

    sequenceDiagram().add(aMessage().from("User").to("BookStore").text("/book/" + isbn));
    response = template.getForEntity("/book/" + isbn, String.class, headers);

    List<ServeEvent> allServeEvents = getAllServeEvents();
    allServeEvents.forEach(event -> {
        event.getResponse().getBodyAsString() + " [" + event.getResponse().getStatus() + "]"));
    sequenceDiagram().add(aMessage().from("BookStore").to("User").text(response.getBody() + " [" + response.getStatusCode().value() + "]"));

  private void thenTheResponseIsEqualTo(IsbnBook book) {

  // skipped helper classes...

Usage Guide

Firstly, Smart BDD uses JUnit5 and this is the only dependency for Smart BDD.

  1. Import the report project

  2. Gradle testImplementation("io.bit-smart.bdd:report:0.1-SNAPSHOT")

  3. Or Maven

  4. Add @ExtendWith(SmartReport.class) to any class that you want to generate a report from.

  5. A link to the generated results and documentation is outputted in the console i.e.

Results Index: file:///var/folders/x6/w8rxpq011g328g44nx7fkz7w0000gn/T/io.bitsmart.bdd.report/data/index.json
HTML    Index: file:///var/folders/x6/w8rxpq011g328g44nx7fkz7w0000gn/T/io.bitsmart.bdd.report/report/index.html
Results Suite: file:///var/folders/x6/w8rxpq011g328g44nx7fkz7w0000gn/T/io.bitsmart.bdd.report/data/TEST-com.example.bookstore.bdd.GetBookByIsbnTest.json
HTML    Suite: file:///var/folders/x6/w8rxpq011g328g44nx7fkz7w0000gn/T/io.bitsmart.bdd.report/report/TEST-com.example.bookstore.bdd.GetBookByIsbnTest.html

Example results:

  "title": "Get book by isbn test",
  "name": "com.example.bookstore.bdd.GetBookByIsbnTest",
  "className": "GetBookByIsbnTest",
  "packageName": "com.example.bookstore.bdd",
  "summary": {
    "passed": 11,
    "skipped": 0,
    "failed": 0,
    "aborted": 0,
    "tests": 11
  "notes": {
    "textNotes": [
      "Working progress for example of usage Smart BDD"
    "diagrams": []
  "testCases": [
      "wordify": "When get book by isbn is called with VALID_13_DIGIT_ISBN_FOR_BOOK_1\nThen the response is equal to BOOK_1",
      "status": "PASSED",
      "method": {
        "name": "getBookBy13DigitIsbn_returnsTheCorrectBook",
        "wordify": "Get book by 13 digit isbn returns the correct book",
        "arguments": []
      "notes": {
        "textNotes": [],
        "diagrams": [
          "sequenceDiagram\n\tactor User\n\tparticipant BookStore\n\tparticipant ISBNdb\n\tUser->>BookStore: /book/9781852860240\n\tBookStore->>ISBNdb: /isbn-db/9781852860240\n\tISBNdb->>BookStore: {\"isbn\":\"9781852860240\",\"title\":\"book 1 title\",\"authors\":[\"book 1 author\"]} [200]\n\tBookStore->>User: {\"isbn\":\"9781852860240\",\"title\":\"book 1 title\",\"authors\":[\"book 1 author\"]} [200]"
      "timings": {
        "beforeEach": 0,
        "afterEach": 0,
        "underTest": 0,
        "total": 0
      "clazz": {
        "fullyQualifiedName": "com.example.bookstore.bdd.GetBookByIsbnTest",
        "className": "GetBookByIsbnTest",
        "packageName": "com.example.bookstore.bdd"

Note: The HTML document is just a visualisation of the results.

This is all we need to do to create documentation! It works by tokenising the source code. whenGetBookByIsbnIsCalledWith(VALID_13_DIGIT_ISBN_FOR_BOOK_1); gets converted to When get book by isbn is called with VALID_13_DIGIT_ISBN_FOR_BOOK_1. It uses JUnit5 to be powerful and extensible, it even facilities re-running tests.

Secondly, We can add notes and diagrams. In the above example we used a UML DSL to generate the UML diagrams.

As we are using wiremock, we have all we need to capture requests and responses. Capturing the downstream calls serves as great documentation and insight in to how the service works.


List<ServeEvent> allServeEvents = getAllServeEvents();

Above is a way to capture WireMock events; you’re free to use any mocking framework, the only requirement for Smart BDD is JUnit 5.

private void generateSequenceDiagram(String isbn, ResponseEntity<String> response, HttpHeaders headers) {
  sequenceDiagram().add(aMessage().from("User").to("BookStore").text("/book/" + isbn));
  List<ServeEvent> allServeEvents = getAllServeEvents();
  allServeEvents.forEach(event -> {
      event.getResponse().getBodyAsString() +  " [" + event.getResponse().getStatus() + "]"));

  sequenceDiagram().add(aMessage().from("BookStore").to("User").text(response.getBody() + " [" + response.getStatusCode().value() + "]"));

The above is a DSL for UML, it uses mermaid. As you can see this is a wrapper to create sequence diagrams. This is under development and will, in future iterations, expose the ability to render all diagrams that mermaid supports.

public void doc() {
  featureNotes("Working progress for example of usage Smart BDD");

Above generates feature notes. As Smart BDD is in development, overriding a method has been chosen, it could be an annotation such as @doc. You can also add diagrams here.

Because adding Smart BDD is so easy, I would like to expose you to the less obvious benefits of upgrading your Spring integration tests.

Let’s look at the business logic. Obviously you can use builders or any code style you want, I’ve chosen the style below as it was very quick to implement.

public void getBookBy10DigitIsbnThatIsConvertedTo13DigitIsbn_returnsTheCorrectBookBasedOn13DigitIsbn() {

This generates the following, it is a duplicate of the diagram above, so we can see side by side GetBook Example Image

Notice how it is far easier to read the documentation than the code. Imagine if we had a downstream REST call to an ISBN validating service, then this would become obvious in the sequence diagram.

Also note that writing high level tests like this is good practice. An alternative would be:

public void getBookBy13DigitIsbn_returnsTheCorrectBook() {
  final IsbnBook book = new IsbnBook(VALID_13_DIGIT_ISBN_FOR_BOOK_1, "book 1 title", singletonList("book 1 author"));

  stubFor(get(urlEqualTo("/isbn-db/" + VALID_13_DIGIT_ISBN_FOR_BOOK_1))
      .withHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")

  HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
  ResponseEntity<String> response = template.getForEntity("/book/" + VALID_13_DIGIT_ISBN_FOR_BOOK_1, String.class, headers);


I’ve seen the above code far too often. An original primary objective of this framework was actually to promote and use best practices:

  1. Express the intent of what is under test
  2. Reuse code so that the documentation is consistent. Once you find the limits of using simple methods the natural progression is to use builders. This really promotes consistent tests and documentation.

Notice the big method above that does it all:

  • It is much harder to see the intent of the test.
  • We have unnecessarily exposed implementation detail.
  • This is not easy to maintain, duplicate tests would end up with duplicate code.
  • This would lead to less coverage due to the effort of adding new tests and maintaining existing tests.

Note: things get interesting when you use builders:

public void getBookUsingIsbn10() {

Above is a prototype of passing builders in to given/when/then methods. A future feature of Smart BDD could be to consider the builders as actions, then:

  • Make these actions parallel/async for performance
  • Perform mutation testing:
    • For example run 0 to n of the given actions
    • Change the values for the builders
  • You could specify how to handle blank strings or edge cases, the framework would inject all combinations for you
  • Time these actions to identify bottlenecks
  • Etc…

Above is an example of being smart with testing, if you so choose.

The downside to this is the code is more complex, therefore it would take longer to write in the first place, and potentially harder to maintain. Builders work best when you have a small number of endpoints and large number of requirements and or state.

For a Spring app, testing via SpringBootTest (or equivalent) is very productive, but it lacks visibility. Visibility and transparency are for collaboration and feedback.

To start working on a feature you must be clear on the requirements, a good way to achieve this is to write functional tests and or have good documentation. Luckily we’ll get both, it’s the perfect starting point for a three amigos session for; visibility, transparency and clarity. A three amigos session is a common practice where the developer, a business person such as a product owner and a QA engineer discuss the requirements. A session like this could be added to your definition of when a work item can be started. Depending on your process and needs this can be great for your project.

Once you have completed the work and worked through nuances (covered by tests/documentation) you have the option to demo the completed work by showing your team the tests/documentation. Note, this can also be part of your definition of done. Showing the team should ensure high quality features, tests and documentation. The tests/documentation can be referred to by:

  1. New developers
  2. People in the business
  3. People on support - When it’s 2am in the morning, having good documentation will be appreciated
  4. Anybody that needs a refresher on how something works

Every company, team, project is different - you might not need the above, but it’s good to know it’s an option, it’s more achievable with Smart BDD than just Spring integrations tests.

For this and other reasons people use BDD frameworks. It’s actually a very good idea to write functional requirements first to make sure that you are implementing the correct behavior. This is also known as “working outside in”:

  1. Write functional requirements first
  2. Followed by the application interface (in this case rest), then the service,
  3. Lastly the DB access and or downstream calls.

Conventional BDD frameworks would typically be more complex and offer less functionality:

  • You would write the feature file first, then a glue layer and then the test code
  • Testing more features becomes harder to maintain and the features become more inconsistent
  • Might be implemented in a different language, normally leading to poor quality

I’m trying to express that Smart BDD promotes doing the right thing right, with minimal effort.

With thanks to yatspec who did a similar project that worked with JUnit 4.

I’m looking for more real-world usages, and I would be keen to help anyone write new tests and or migrate legacy tests to this framework. If you’re interested, please contact me — see my GitHub profile for my contact details. If you would like to contribute, visit here.

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